In the journey of our lives, we will experience wilderness seasons where the crutches we held onto are withdrawn from us.
As uncomfortable as this season is, it is a God-ordained season where He brings us to the place where we remove our focus from those external things and draws our attention back to Himself.
When we can navigate past the initial panic and despair, and then find rest in the storm, our eyes open – to who we are and what really matters.
We find our True Identity – and draw closer to Him.
Something happens to a woman who has found her True Identity.
She accepts her past.
She celebrates who she is.
She is comfortable in her skin.
She can see hope for the future.
She is able to dream again.
When a woman understands her lane, she has no business competing with another.
She empathises with the challenges of others.
She believes in others, encourages, and loves on them.
She speaks life to others.
She celebrates others.
That, by the way, is the spirit of Motherhood.
Friends, it takes Wholeness to Encourage.
It takes Wholeness to express Love.
It takes Wholeness to Nurture.
And so as we prepare for Mother’s Day this Sunday, my prayer for all of us is that we will find Wholeness – and be a blessing to the world.