Every once in a while, you’ll come to that place when you have emptied yourself of what you had to pour.
What is happening is that the next level is beginning to place a demand on you.
But while you try to figure yourself out, it momentarily looks and feels like a wilderness.
You get confused.
You ask for answers.
You pray.
But nothing gives.
You simply have to pay the price of the new season.
And sometimes, that price may mean your old associations falling off.
No, nothing happened.
As a matter of fact, you cannot explain it. You just drifted apart.
The comfort zone of associations is a price you must be willing to pay.
And when you do make peace with the solitude, when you can finally surrender to Him, when you can allow Him to guide you, He ushers in voices that guide you into your next level.
When I hit a plateau in my coaching journey, I battled through a season of confusion and loneliness.
Every crutch I held onto began to buckle down.
I had to try to figure my journey out.
In the still quiet moments when I had to learn to find peace in the storm.
When I finally found rest, God sent me Israel Robert Burale and Coach Joyce Marendes who not only reminded me of who I was but guided me on how to navigate into my next phase.
Thank you, my brother and sister.
Each of us will at some point in our lives, have to navigate into new seasons.
I pray that you will find stillness and that your eyes will open to see and identify the angels He will send you.
I pray that you will find strength and courage to pay the price for your new season – whatever that price may be.
Have a blessed week ahead!