March 27, 2023

by Judy Mzungu

Evolving is about letting go of control. It’s about Surrendering to His Will and allowing Him to lead you in your journey.

It’s about Trusting His leading even when you can’t quite see the road ahead.

You see, the world has taught us to take charge of our lives, to know what’s in our hands – and to map out our life journey.

And while that has its place, there comes a point when you must wilfully accept that you don’t know the route and then allow Heaven’s GPS to guide you.

What I have noticed about the motor vehicle GPS is that at the start of the journey, you’ll have the benefit of hearing about the general direction. You will usually not hear any guidance on long uninterrupted stretches – and that’s where you have the luxury of speeding, changing lanes, and enjoying the landscape. Let’s just say, you feel in control. Until there’s a need to change direction. The GPS comes alive and gives you a new direction.

You are forced to slow down…

So it is with Heaven’s Compass.

God will give you an idea, a thought or an inspiration. When you start the journey, you will run on this instruction, but along the way, you will encounter a bend.

A new instruction will come.

There will be a demand for a change of direction.
And yes, it will come as some sort of interruption.
How do you deal with the interruption?
Trust Him. Surrender. Obey. Say Yes to His Leading.

Slow down…

As I mentioned last week, I knew it was time for The ReAlignment Program to pivot.

I knew it was time to take this message to reach greater numbers.
I was convicted that Corporates and Churches would benefit from Wholeness and Alignment.
I laid out my Strategy.

You must understand I have been a Marketer by profession.

Strategy has been my middle name.

This last week God has surprised me.

He didn’t open the doors I knocked on.

He led me to Open Doors of churches that were willing to hear the ReAlignment message.

This last week, I yielded afresh.

“Do it Your way, Lord”.

I came to a new terrain, and my path was redirected.
I must confess. Evolving is not becoming a better, more self-aware version of you.
Evolving is about Becoming His version.
Evolving means Surrender.
Evolving is Yielding.

My encouragement for us this week is to Surrender to His leading.

His ways are always way better than our limited plan for the future.

Isaiah 30:21 And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left.


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