Closed Doors

Closed Doors

As you journey through life, you will go through those moments when you know you truly heard the GPS and flow with it, you will encounter bends and navigate them, and yes, you will find dead ends. You will encounter Closed Doors. As I was journeying through my career,...


Evolving is about letting go of control. It’s about Surrendering to His Will and allowing Him to lead you in your journey. It’s about Trusting His leading even when you can’t quite see the road ahead. You see, the world has taught us to take charge...
Stretching your Capacity

Stretching your Capacity

When you begin to allow your true identity to find expression, you are allowing your capacity to be stretched. You see, everything you have been has been informed by what they told you, by your former beliefs and expectations, and by your past experiences. And that...


Everything you are is embedded within you. The problem is, many times it’s covered by the hurt, pain and criticism we have had to take in our life journey. Those callous comments that made you stop believing in yourself, that mockery when you dared to dream, and...
The Price of New Seasons

The Price of New Seasons

Every once in a while, you’ll come to that place when you have emptied yourself of what you had to pour. What is happening is that the next level is beginning to place a demand on you. But while you try to figure yourself out, it momentarily looks and feels like...
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